Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Today, after some time away, I would like to set the
record straight regarding my absence from STC. I want to start by thanking Joey and John for
their support and assistance in keeping the brand alive and well!

Following my last show on April 25th, I experienced significant dental problems, similar to the
ones that I had experienced in the past. Currently, I am working through the later rounds of my
treatments and doing well. In the meantime, Joey and John have held down the ship, doing a
great job of keeping the channel fresh and providing new content each and every week.

Thank you for all of your inquiries, prayers, and well wishes. I continue to read your comments
on our videos, and appreciate your loyal support.

Thank you!


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I was wondering, what happened. Good luck Jon! Hope to see you back soon.

    comments user
    Jon Zaghloul

    Tune into the YouTube page on Feb 19th for Jon’s final show. He is passing the torch to Joey. Tune in!

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Is Jon going to respond to the what ended up being unsubstantiated claims of the Alan Williams debacle? There has yet to be any proof of the FBI against Alan.
He doesnt state in his message that he’s leaving for good.
He owes everyone an explanation during his “final show”.
It would appear that perhaps hes walking away to remove his name from the brand.
Would that be correct?

    comments user
    Jon Zaghloul

    Jon has left the industry to follow his faith, he’s leaving for good. The Alan Williams debacle was Jon reporting from a source. We stand by our reporting. John (me) is taking over the company and moving forward with Joey Christopoulos. Yes, we are rebranding. I’m looking forward to Jon’s final show. It will be live, hopefully it will be fun, and hopefully John (me) won’t be a crying mess. I’m going to miss Jon.

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